Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm Dead - Part One

I woke up one morning, found out I was dead.

A short period of stress being replaced by the look normally reserved for the a first blow job or indeed any blow job if delivered with as a pleasant surprise. Slowly the cold realisation of my plight sank in and surprisingly I found comfort in knowing that the was THAT something after death that filled most ghost stories, indeed the end is not the end. So if it's not the end and it's new to me - it must be a beginning then.

A drying out of the cold sweet, a new fear raced into my veins like cold rain down the side of a rocky mountain side. Not so much what is this? but why is this?.

We have ideas implanted almost from birth, some nice, like father Christmas, but some not so nice. This was very much well over the fence which separated the foxes from the chickens or the child from the down right nasty bastards. The why I'm doing my best to avoid is the one that says if you don't do X or do you won't go to heaven. I clearly hadn't gone to heaven. Unless that is god has the same taste in wallpaper.

I wasn't subjected to much religious dumbing while I was alive but rather unfairly like everyone else I was forced to make a decision about this thing called god. I didn't one day decide I was coming down on the side that father Christmas didn't really exist and other people might strongly disagree and try to convince me of his existence for the rest of my life. Now is that day of judgement, have I been judged? have I been declined entrance? and will I be left to walk the path of the undead ? Hay if god is now a proven fact why not the undead, right ?

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Let's face it, when everything is stripping away life is worth living. Those that disagree, and lets face it also that most of us have b...