Saturday, July 22, 2006

The secret about me

I could be the one to set you free.
Give hope, faith and even charity.

When your low don't rush, wait and see.
I'll help you be what you want to be.

When you've lost everything you own.
When everything is spent or on loan.
When you have to find the rent.
When cards are no longer sent.

If you choose to believe in me.
The Miracles you wish for you may even see.

The power you seek is not define.
Don't lay your neck on that line.
Just believe in me and it’ll be fine.

No, don't despair and no, no needs for pray.
Find a mirror, what's in there.

What's the secret you'll get from me?
Strength to fight and will to win maybe.
A shoulder to cry on nightly?
A candle to hold and burn brightly?

No, the truth is there in sight with no fee.
Just open your eyes, you will see.
The answer is easy, you are me.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Austria Images

Here are a few images I was messing about with. They are recently taken by me while in Austria. I am using them for backgrounds on my computer right now. I'm no photo expert but if any interest you then feel free to use them. If you want anything different then format you let me know. The images were taken in HQ 2200px width so I should be able to convert them most ways. Also got some video I might upload.

Love War

War is not pointless to those who start it.
A pointless life is avoided being part of it.
Don't cry to me, gun in hand, gathering your belonging and fleeing your land.
Bake a cake as the bomb comes, leaving the rest of your days for picking up the crumbs.
Pray for the liar, he knows ashes are best for starting the new fire.
Burn and smile, but don't spill a drop as you travel million tears a mile to join the new flock.
War is not pointless for those who don't fight it.
A pointless point is made by those who don't start it.
Flesh from bones and teeth left standing as nature struggles but keeps her hand in.
For those who accept them souls survive, blind won't see the truth as they arrive.
Kill kill kill to cure the hate as friend fights friend and mate kills mate.
Stand up and shoot shoot shoot if you want to be free free free.
Free to choose who will kill me me and me.
War is not pointless for those who agree.
A pointless bullet is killing we.

Bye Sven

"Sven" is that Swedish for question mark ?

The history books will show the report on this man's career in English football, as the song goes, "The are more questions then answers".

Forget the selections, substitutions and the formations. Even forget the big one about why? after two years planning for this world cup he sent the side out playing a system they had never even tried in the past. You can forget the questions surrounding including of a player who hadn't even played a premiership game for his club and the damage that may have done to the the young Walcot himself, sitting watching it all after all the fuss in the media about his inclusion some weeks before. No, all these can be answered by the same reponse, the man is inept.

The questions that will never get answers are - How the man got extra millions of pounds out of the FA for failing to deliver success in any form and how this specky eyed, balding nerd bedded what seemed any female he met along the road.


Let's face it, when everything is stripping away life is worth living. Those that disagree, and lets face it also that most of us have b...